Every Child Deserves a Chance to Play!
Thank you to our generous donors!
American Online Giving Foundation
Amanda Baird
Cindy Baldwin
Anthony Bartczak
Bradley Baumiller
Janette Bihler
James Boccardi
Jackie Bonomo
Carolyn Bromberg
Amy Brown
Angela Burrows
Kimberly Cannon
Andrew Cardosi
Sara Coon
Corporate Environmental Solutions LLC
Cranberry Township Area Lions Club
Cranberry Township Community Chest
William Crane
Natasha Cumba
Agnes B. Curtin
Nancy K. Debrunner
Deirdre Dowd
Jason Embree
Tanisha Faber
Freedom Diner LLC
Lloyd Freeman
Cindy Fowler
Fun Fore All
Mandy Gallagher
Gerald Gill
Lily Giovannelli
Giving Foundation
Lisa Graper
Beth Hallowell
Patricia J. Hefner
Daniel A. Hricko
John Hulquist
Vicki Lynn Hunter
Michaelle Hyppolite
Ann D. Jabro
Marija James
Jason’s Deli
Knights of Columbus Council #11838
Mary Kolling
Lindsey Komios
Sharon Kramer
Elisa Labriola
Heather L. Lively
Emily Lucas
Elisa Maicho
Stuart Mayer
Gayle Mayes
Jeffrey Maynard
Suzanne Mazur
Chris McCandless
Jaclyn McKenny
John Meyer
Nemanja Milosavljevic
Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation
Mitsubishi Electric Foundation
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
Jeffrey Morris
Mt. Pleasant United Presbyterian Church
James Murray
John Nagle
Madeline Nowak
Teresa O’Rourke
Jennafer Osche
Parkers Parlor
Anne Pekarofski
Lee Petrelli
PNC Legal Department
Fred Roberts
Fredeleine Robinson
Bradford Ruth
Lindsay Ruth
Ashley Salman
Susan Schreck
Sylena Smith
Thelma Striffler
Bruce & Julie Teeters
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
United Way of SW PA
Marissa Vergotz
Richard A. Walters
George Weir (Tomorrows Starts)
AnnaMarie West
Kristin White
Kristina Wright
Memorial Donations
Friends and Family of Richard Duggan
Friends and Family of Andrew Goad
Friends and Family of Lois Fowler Striffler
Join the Club!
Past Fan Club Donors